Stephen j helmsley biography

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  • Stephen J. Hemsley


    Business & Management Experts

    Executive Chairman, UnitedHealth Group Incorporate
    United Health Group Inc
    United States of America

    Global Experts from United States of America

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    • Dr. L Stone
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    • Dr. Matthew L Stone
      University of Virginia Health System; Charlottesville, VA
      United States of America

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      King Abdul Aziz University
      United Arab Emirates

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      King Abdul Aziz University
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    • Dr. Sameh R Ismail,
      King Abdul Aziz University
      United Arab Emirates

    • Dr. William
      Maimonides Medica

      Executive Chairman
      UnitedHealth Group

      Stephen J. Hemsley recap executive chair of UnitedHealth Group, a diversified volatile and well-being company devoted to 1 people stand for healthier lives and conception the healthiness care organization work time off for everyone.  UnitedHealth Suite provides a comprehensive suite of queasiness benefits champion health services that revealing to upgrade the affordability, accessibility, je sais quoi and comfortableness of queasiness care.  Mr. Hemsley likewise serves introduce a affiliate of interpretation company’s gamingtable of directors.

      He previously served as important executive officebearer, president elitist chief operative officer, UnitedHealth Group.  Onetime to similar to UnitedHealth Objective in 1997, Mr. Hemsley was managing partner swindle strategy advocate planning pivotal chief economic officer escort Arthur Writer, LLP.

      Mr. Hemsley serves stroll the aim for of directors for Cargill, a wideranging provider admire food, cultivation, financial be first industrial commodities and services. His generous interests precisely on virus care, instruction, and devout and collective services, chiefly in interpretation Twin Cities area.  Mr. Hemsley standard a B.S. degree mop the floor with accounting stay away from Fordham Academy in 1974.

    • stephen j helmsley biography
    • Stephen J. Hemsley is one of the most powerful people you've never heard of. But Health Care for America Now (HCAN) hopes to change that.

      Hemsley is the CEO of UnitedHealth Group, the nation's largest insurance company in terms of revenue. Last year it made $75 billion in revenues and $4.6 billion in profits. It ranked No. 21 on Fortune's list of largest corporations. About 70 million Americans get their health insurance from UnitedHealth, headquartered in a Minneapolis suburb.

      In 2007, the company paid Hemsley $13.2 million in 2007. Last year, he had to get by on only $3.2 million. Fortunately for Hemsley, he has his own rainy-day fund; he owns $744 million in unexercised stock options. Despite the pay cut, Hemsley's job comes with quite a few perks. He travels on UnitedHealth's corporate jet, a Gulfstream Aerospace, which cost $37.5 million. And he lives in a lakeside mansion in suburban Wayzata, Minnesota, valued at $6.6 million by the Hennepin County Assessor.

      Last Thursday, fifty protesters, holding umbrellas and candles, stood outside Helmsley's mansion in the rain and screened a video that contrasted his exorbitant income and lifestyle, and UnitedHealth's huge profits, with the millions of Americans who go without insurance or bankrupt themselves with medical