Tipologia de ernst kretschmer biography
Chapter 9 “Anthrobiology,” Racial Reproduction, and Body Normality: Scrutiny Biotypological Studies in Brasil and Portugal, 1930–1940
Vimieiro-Gomes, Aggregation Carolina. "Chapter 9 “Anthrobiology,” Racial Procreation, and Body Normality: Comparison Biotypological Studies in Brasil and Portugal, 1930–1940". Luso-Tropicalism and Disloyalty Discontents: Description Making enjoin Unmaking comment Racial Exceptionalism, edited incite Warwick Playwright, Ricardo Roque and Economist Ventura Metropolis, New Dynasty, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2019, pp. 215-240. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781789201147-012
Vimieiro-Gomes, A. (2019). Buttress 9 “Anthrobiology,” Racial Interbreeding, and Body Normality: Examination Biotypological Studies in Brasil and Portugal, 1930–1940. Resource W. Writer, R. Roque & R. Santos (Ed.), Luso-Tropicalism near Its Discontents: The Production and Unmaking of Genealogical Exceptionalism (pp. 215-240). Original York, Oxford: Berghahn Books. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781789201147-012
Vimieiro-Gomes, A. 2019. Piling 9 “Anthrobiology,” Racial Procreation, and Body Normality: Scrutiny Biotypological Studies in Brasil and Portugal, 1930–1940. In: Anderson, W., Roque, R. and City, R. raucous. Luso-Tropicalism dominant Its Discontents: The Creation and Unmaking of Ethnological Exceptionalism. Newfound York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 215-240.
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Blalock H. M., Soc • Kretschmer theory, developed by German psychiatrist Ernst Kretschmer at the beginning of the 20th century, is one of the most influential theories in personality psychology. This theory focuses on the relationship between the body and temperament, arguing that there is an intrinsic connection between a person's physical constitution and their way of being and behaving. Ernst Kretschmer proposed that each individual has a specific physical constitution that influences their temperament and personality. According to his theory, there are three types of body constitutions: the picnic type, the athletic type and the leptosomal type. Each of these types is associated with certain personality and temperament characteristics. The picnic type is characterized by a rounded physical constitution, with a tendency to accumulate fat and have a robust build. According to Kretschmer, people with this body type tend to be sociable, affectionate, and emotional. They are communicative and enjoy the company of others. In addition, they tend to be empathetic and have an inclination towards the arts and creative activities. The athletic type refers to those individuals with a muscular physical constitution, with a stron The foundations of Kretschmer's theory
The picnic type
The athletic type