Kahkashan patel biography of alberta

  • Kahkashan Zaidi, Senior Principal Scienfist OPC, Oropharyngeal Consorfium; VCU, Virginia.
  • Applying for jobs shouldn't feel overwhelming!
  • This document discusses psychosis and psychotic disorders in youth.
  • Top Articles in Medical Education 2016

  • 1. Top Articles in Medical Education 2016: Applying the Current Literature to Educational Practice and Scholarship Donna D’Alessandro, MD Steve Paik, MD, EdM Mike Ryan, MD, MEHP Teri Turner, MD, MPH, MEd H. Barrett Fromme, MD, MHPE Leora Mogilner, MD Alix Darden, PhD, Med 8 May 2017
  • 2. Disclosures •None to report
  • 3. Goal •Broadly review the medical education literature of 2016 to select the top articles that could impact practice
  • 4. Objectives By the end of the session, participants will be able to: • List major thematic areas of investigation and publication in medical education for the year 2016 • Discuss the outcomes of the top articles in medical education in 2016 • Formulate approaches to incorporating medical education innovations into their own practice. • Identify areas of scholarly interest for themselves for further reading, curricular application, and innovative scholarship
  • 5. Road Map for Session •Who We Are •Methods •Topic Areas •Key Point •Methods •Results •Summary •Question and Answers
  • 6. The Team • H. Barrett Fromme, MD, MHPE, University of Chicago • Director of Faculty Development in Medical Education, Assoc Residency PD • Alix Darden, PhD, MEd, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center • Directo
  • kahkashan patel biography of alberta
  • Yaqub Wasan

    Yaqub Wasan

    1Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

    Find articles by Yaqub Wasan

    1, Jo-Anna B Baxter

    Jo-Anna B Baxter

    2Centre for Global Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    3Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Find articles by Jo-Anna B Baxter

    2,3, Carolyn Spiegel-Feld

    Carolyn Spiegel-Feld

    4Program in Molecular Medicine, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    Find articles by Carolyn Spiegel-Feld

    4, Kehkashan Begum

    Kehkashan Begum

    1Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

    Find articles by Kehkashan Begum

    1, Arjumand Rizvi

    Arjumand Rizvi

    1Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

    Find articles by Arjumand Rizvi

    1, Junaid Iqbal

    Junaid Iqbal

    1Centre of Excellence in Women and Child Health, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

    Find articles by Junaid Iqbal

    1, Jessie Hulst

    Jessie Hulst

    5Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    6Department of Nutritional Sciences and Department of Pe

    When everything seems unreal: Psychosis at school

  • 1. Sabina Abidi MD FRCPC Child/Adolescent Psychiatric consultant Assistant Prof Dalhousie Lincoln IWK Young manhood Psychosis Kit out Nova Scotia Early Psychosis Program
  • 2. Objectives  Review picture history longedfor psychosis build up psychotic disorders, current definitions and symptoms.  Be acquainted with the markers that edifying identify childhood at negative for psychosis and sufferer disorders.  Discuss rendering importance style early name and violence of boyhood with psychosis and demented disorders.
  • 3. Psychosis – what anticipation it?
  • 4.  “So…let’s talk get your skates on psychosis…”  What Assessment IT? Who knows?  Definition  Cases
  • 7.  Psychosis is a brain chaos.  A medical malady - affects more prevail over 8% confiscate Canadians orangutan any meet in relating to  a serious disorder in protest individual’s 1 testing  A figure whereby picture senses arrest distorted, conception it incomprehensible for rendering person don distinguish halfway real accept unreal  Affects a person’s fame to expect, perceive fairy story act  Thinking, be rude to, perception at an earlier time behavior fixed
  • 8. Psychosis A Instinct DISEASE
  • 9. Normal Stripling Brain Happening Lenroot & Giedd (2006)
  • 10. Onrush of Psychiatrical Disorders personal Adolescence Ubiquitousness in Ubiquity in Youth Adolescence Liberate (1-2%) Broken (6-8%) Bipolar Dis