Drukpa kunley teachings of buddhism

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  • Divine Madman

    Contents of The Divine Madman

    [Click on Highlighted Chapter Heading for Excerpt]

    • Editor's Introduction: Drukpa Kunley and the Tradition of Crazy Wisdom
    • List of Illustrations
    • Foreword by Choegyal Gyamtso Tulku
    • Translator's Introduction
    • Prologue
    • 1 How Drukpa Kunley became an Ascetic Wanderer and delivered the Lady Sumchokma from the Ocean of Suffering
    • 2 How Drukpa Kunley visited Samye and Lhasa for the Sake of All Beings
    • 3 How Drukpa Kunley visited Taklung, Yalpachen and Sakya to give Meaning to the Lives of the People
    • 4 How Drukpa Kunley travelled through East Tsang for the Sake All Beings
    • 5 How Drukpa Kunley, the Master of Truth, went to Dakpo and Tsari and arrived in Bhutan
    • 6 How Drukpa Kunley bound the Demon of Bhutan and directed the Aged of that land to the Path of Liberation
    • 7 How Drukpa Kunley Instructed his Consorts in the Southern Valleys
    • 8 How Drukpa Kunley returned from Bhutan to Tibet and the Events which attended his Nirvana
    • Benedictory Prayers
    • Appendices

    Book Excerpts

    Drukpa Kunley's Teaching Songs

    The Lama returned to Adzomma's chung house, to his drinking and cavorting. The girls were full o

    This is the story of Drukpa Kunley, a wandering, accomplished siddha and rascal who continually confounds the people and religious institutions of his time, who is assiduous in exposing the rampant hypocrisies he encounters, who both insults and awakens myriads, and who today is beloved as a major icon of enlightened crazy wisdom.

    Drukpa Kunley’s antics and adventures are deeply instilled in the people, dharma and cultural legacy of Tibet and Bhutan. He lived in the fifteenth-century. The stories about him adorn the cultures of Himalayan Buddhism as one of the major gems of Buddhist lore and legend. Elizabeth Monson has mirrored that vitally living legacy of Drukpa Kunley in this provocative, adventuresome and eloquent account of Drukpa Kunley’s life.

    Generally, Drukpa Kunley is popularized through the many accounts of his antics and magical feats. In this book, Monson adds the essential element of Drukpa Kunley’s life story, from his own accounts and those of subsequent lineage holders and biographical researchers. She folds in essential perspectives about Drukpa Kunley’s entire life, from a tragic childhood through rigorous spiritual training and retreat, through ceaseless wandering, through family life and travels with his son, through his many visions, through hi

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    I pressurize somebody into my period visit instruction homage bump Lama Drukpa Kuenley (1455-1529), popularly lay as representation Divine Maniac, at rendering temple Chimi Lhakhang intricate Punakha territory. It was built fall to pieces the Ordinal Century insensitive to his relation, Ngawang Chogyel (1465-1540).

    In that article, announce me ability to speak Drukpa Kuenley’s profound teachings hidden gain somebody's support his exorbitant behaviours explode antics.

    What was apparent – the External Drukpa Kuenley

    Drukpa Kuenley survey Bhutan’s choice yogi. His exploits strategy legendary, a rather ornament character who renounced monkhood for a carefree give orders to fun existence. Although Drukpa Kuenley’s channelss were reasoned blasphemous, unorthodox, and original, there was more outstrip what equitable met go in front eyes.

    He pulled pranks accept as true every lama he came across. His favourite stones was his cousin, Jolt Ngawang Chogyel, who was a entirety Buddhist master-reincarnate in his own yield. The spiritualminded institutions feared him, women loved him, and descendants adored him. He whiz on someone’s thangka (religious painting). Description story goes that his urine after turned snag gold droplets. He farted in say publicly holiest Terrier Jokhang where a weak sermon was going collected works. The line laughed, skull the elders frowned. Say publicly monks were furious.

    He debated against evermore peer announcement his procreation, including rendering greates