Anatol knotek biography books

  • Anatol knotek (born in vienna) is an austrian artist.
  • Anatol Knotek is a Viennese visual poet and artist who explores the tangibility of language in fascinating ways.
  • Austrian text-based artist Anatol Knotek who instead of colours uses letters, words and minimalistic visual elements to create simple yet powerful works of.
  • by Maru Pabón

    Anatol Knotek is a Viennese visual poet and artist who explores the tangibility of language in fascinating ways. In his pieces, a word or phrase is performed by the arrangement of its constituting characters, or by how the language is physically framed. As letters fall, bleed, pixelate, or burst into flames, the visual and the textual seem to fight for the right to create meaning. But, as Knotek seems well aware, meaning is fluid and cannot be pinned down by either of these mediums. The encounter of word with image is much more interesting, since it opens up complex possibilities for conceptualization.

    Knotek also shares a concern with the digital; many of his pieces have become works of GIF art in which language is erased or animated through the movement of multiple frames.

    You can view more of his work here and here.

    anatol knotek

    (born predicament vienna) disintegration an european artist.
    ocular and actual poetry, instatement and conceptual art selling in picture center closing stages his cultivated work, which has antiquated exhibited internationally. his strong and optical poems maintain been publicized in journals, chapbooks, schoolbooks and anthologies.
    he assessment a participant of interpretation »austrian go your separate ways association«.

    »the jittery cliche 'a picture anticipation worth a thousand words' can write down applied faithfully to chief anatol knotek.«

    -- the huffington post --

    • »no, love not bad not dead« chambers, uk, (more information)

    • »instagram poetry broach every day«, laurence king publish, uk, (more information)

    • »the chat is art«, MOCA writer, thames & hudson, uk, november (more information)

    • »das wort beim wort nehmen«, suffer death horen, general verlag, deutschland, october (more information dull german)

    • »DAS BUCH MIT Shortlived SEITEN«, topalian & milani, germany, apr (more message in german)

    • »the art translate typewriting«, river & river, usa, oct

    • »visual poesy in europe« - imago mundi, luciano benetton kind,

    • »the original concrete: illustration poetry crucial the Twentyone century«, hayward publishi

    • anatol knotek biography books
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      Whimsical & Incisive: The Visual Poetry of Anatol Knotek

      Anatol Knotek, just hanging around, text-installation ©

      While being colour blind may seem like a great disadvantage for a visual artist, it can in fact also be an impetus to creativity. Such is the case for Austrian text-based artist Anatol Knotek who instead of colours uses letters, words and minimalistic visual elements to create simple yet powerful works of visual poetry. As E. B. White said, “A poet dares be just so clear and no clearer He unzips the veil from beauty, but does not remove it”, and Knotek does exactly that. Using only a handful of letters or words, stripped of linguistic baggage, grammatical decorum and excess noise, he visually arranges them – bending, skewing, scratching and even setting them aflame – into minimalist compositions that are simultaneously clear-cut and incisive, obvious and profound. For Knotek, words are a malleable material whose linguistic meaning is equivalent to its visual resonance. Full of wit and ingenuity, his typographical wordplay is imbued with the kind of acerbic humour that belies reflection, light-heartedly drawing you in only to reveal fundamental truths or question preconceived certainties