Ajudam pribadi suharto biography
Bibliography of works on
Scene from television series
Istoria ba futuru
(copyright Casa de Produc ão Audiovisual, 2004- ).
DVDs of selected episodes held in Asian Collections, National Library of Australia.
The National Library of Australia holds a significant collection of material about East Timor, dating from the periods of Portuguese colonisation, Indonesian occupation and post-independence.
This bibliography is an attempt to list all the National Library’s holdings on East Timor, including monographs, newspapers and non-book material (including maps, pictures, and ephemera), up to and including January 2009. The material was extracted from the catalogue using keyword searches such as “Timor” in title, subject and place of publication. Unfortunately, we have not been able to include citations for journal articles at this stage. Some titles which referred to the whole island of Timor have been retained on this list as they may still be of relevance to some researchers.
The material is arranged alphabetically by author, or by title where no main author is given.
Hopefully future editions of this bibliography will be subdivided by subject to make research easier. It has not been possible to physically check every item listed, so there m
Revista sientifiku interdisiplinariu ba Umanidade VOL. I, 7 Dezembru
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Catharina Williams-van Klinken
Rezumu: "Diglosia" (língua rua) signifika uza lian rua ka liu iha komunidade ida nia laran, lian ida-idak ho nia funsaun rasik. Timor-Leste nia situasaun diglosia komplikadu loos, tanba iha nasaun ida nia laran uza lian lokál barak, lian ofisiál tetun ho portugés, ho mós lian-indonézia ho inglés. Iha artigu ne'e, autór sira analiza, durante tinan 20 ikus ne'e, ita uza lian saida iha uma, iha igreja, iha governu, eskola, setór privadu, média, ho promosaun. Pergunta segundu mak ne'e: Situasaun linguístika ne'e estavel ka muda? Se muda karik, lian ne'ebé mak aumenta funsaun, no ne'ebé mak lakon funsaun? Dadus foti hosi sensus, hosi autór sira nia peskiza rasik ho mós hosi peskizadór seluk nia publikasaun. Dadus ne'e hatudu katak, lian lokál forte iha área rituál, maibé nudar língua uma-laran ho komunidade nian, tun, tanba ema barak muda ba tetun-Dili. Tetun nia funsaun barak liu. Iha funsaun hirak ne'e hotu-hotu, tetun sa'e, maske iha governu ho eskola tuir loos governu hakarak fortifika portugés