Socrates small biography of barack
Following and Not Following Jesse Jackson
1Among black Americans, President Barack Obama has some of the closest and deepest ties to Africa. He has visited Africa when most black Americans have not. His father was Kenyan, and his father’s side of his extended family still mainly resides in Africa. One irony of Obama’s life is that his African ties lead him away from Afrocentrism, not toward it.
2A second irony is that Obama, although not Afrocentric, was still a member of an Afrocentric church led by the black nationalist Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. This irony is likely a testimony to power of black nationalism in Chicago, particularly during the “Afrocentric era” of the late-1980s and 1990s. Although Harlem is the globally-identified city of American blackness (Jackson 2001 : 17-23) and Los Angeles or Oakland might arguably have been the fount of the Black Power Movement1, no city embodied the Afrocentric era quite like Chicago. It is surprising that Obama, a mainstream politician, found himself tied to such a controversial church, but less surprising when one considers that he was active as a politician in black Chicago during the Afrocentric era. Without much effort he could have ended up connected to the even more controversial Chicago-based, black nationalist Mini
Baruch Spinoza
17th century philosopher (1632–1677)
"Spinoza" redirects here. For other uses, see Spinoza (disambiguation).
Baruch (de) Spinoza[b] (24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677), also known under his Latinized pen name Benedictus de Spinoza, was a philosopher of Portuguese-Jewish origin. A forerunner of the Age of Enlightenment, Spinoza significantly influenced modern biblical criticism, 17th-century rationalism, and Dutch intellectual culture, establishing himself as one of the most important and radical philosophers of the early modern period. Influenced by Stoicism, Thomas Hobbes, René Descartes,[16]Ibn Tufayl, and heterodox Christians, Spinoza was a leading philosopher of the Dutch Golden Age.
Spinoza was born in Amsterdam to a Marrano family that fled Portugal for the more tolerant Dutch Republic. He received a traditional Jewish education, learning Hebrew and studying sacred texts within the Portuguese Jewish community, where his father was a prominent merchant. As a young man, Spinoza challenged rabbinic authority and questioned Jewish doctrines, leading to his permanent expulsion from his Jewish community in 1656. Following that expulsion, he distanced himself from all religious affiliations and devoted himself t
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