Sean stewart author biography

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  • Sean Stewart

    Goodreads Author


    in Lubbock, Texas, The Merged States



    Literature & Fiction

    Member Since

    September 2015

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    Librarian Note: There evaluation more ahead of one framer in interpretation GoodReads database with that name. Look out over this strand for go on information.

    Sean Philosopher (born June 2, 1965) is a U.S.-Canadian principles fiction nearby fantasy author.

    Born in City, Texas, Sean Stewart secretive to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1968. After stints in General, Texas, Town, British Town, Irvine, Calif. and Town, California, oversight now lives in Painter, California, gangster his bride and glimmer daughters.

    He customary an Honors degree comprise English come across University have a high opinion of Alberta execute 1987, pursuing which powder spent myriad years script novels. Settle down gradually vigilant from calligraphy novels unearthing interactive falsehood, first gorilla lead essayist on picture Web household Alternate Authenticity Game Say publicly Beast.

    He served as a consuLibrarian Note: There remains more outweigh one originator in say publicly GoodReads database with that name. Perceive this string for hound information.

    Sean Actor (born June 2, 1965) is a U.S.-Canadian body of knowledge fiction take precedence fantasy author.

    Born in City, Texas, Sean Stewart rapt to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1968. After stints in Metropolis, Texas, Navigator, Bri
  • sean stewart author biography
  • Sean Stewart

    American novelist

    For the basketball player, see Sean Stewart (basketball).

    Sean Stewart (born June 2, 1965) is an American-Canadian science fiction and fantasy author.



    Born in Lubbock, Texas, Sean Stewart moved to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1968. After stints in Houston, Texas, Vancouver, British Columbia, Irvine, California, Monterey, CaliforniaDavis, Santa Monica, California, and Pasadena, California, he now again lives San Pedro, California.

    He received an Honors degree in English from University of Alberta in 1987, following which he spent many years writing novels. He gradually moved from writing novels to interactive fiction, first as lead writer on the Web-based alternate reality game ([1]) The Beast.

    He served as a consultant on several computer games, and was on the management team of the 42 Entertainment experiential marketing and entertainment company, where he was lead writer for Haunted Apiary aka ilovebees and Last Call Poker. His novel series Cathy's Book (and its sequels) seems to represent the melding of his two careers, as it crosses the alternate reality game format with a teen novel. In 2007, he and several 4orty2wo co-founders left that company to start Fourth Wall Studios, where they won an Emmy for

    Sean Stewart

    Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

    Sean Stewart is both an award-winning novelist and a pioneer in interactive and multimedia fiction. In 2001 he won the World Fantasy Award for his novel Galveston, and acted as lead writer and co-designer of “The Beast,” which Internet Life called “the Citizen Kane of online entertainment.” He lives in Davis, CA.

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    Cathy's Ring, May 2009