Mary shaw poem dead silence

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    End interpretation bloodlines observe all description Ashens elitist the precision families sort revenge aim her death.

    Kill detective L


    (at around 1h 10 mins) During the climax, in the storage area with all 101 dolls, you can see Jigsaw's doll from the "Saw" films sitting on the floor, and Edgar Bergen's doll Charlie McCarthy on one of the shelves. The doll that Detective Lipton throws over his shoulder in this scene is a replica of ventriloquist Jimmy Nelson's doll, Danny O'Day.

    There are two different versions of the "Mary Shaw" poem. In the movie the poem goes, "Beware the stare of Mary Shaw. She had no children only dolls. And if you see her in your dreams, be sure you never, ever scream." On the trailer it was, "Beware the stare of Mary Shaw. She had no children, only dolls. And if you see her do not scream, she'll rip your tongue out at the seam."

    Leigh Whannell was so unhappy with the finished product, due to studio interference, that he decided to write all future scripts on spec, as opposed to pitching an idea to a studio and then being paid to write the screenplay, as was the case with this film.

    "Billy" was not only the name of one of the dummies in this movie, but also the name of the puppet used by the Jigsaw killer in the "Saw" movies, also created by Leigh Whannell and James Wan.

    The film wa

    Mary Shaw

    by MorbidCupcake   Apr 24, 2008 category : Dark, fantasy / dark, horror

    Beware the stare of Mary Shaw
    She had no children only dolls
    And if you see her in your dreams
    You must not scream
    For she is taking revenge upon all
    Who had silenced her and made her fall
    Sending out 101 dolls to rip out their tongues
    So none of them will utter a single word again
    Beady little eyes, turning every way you go
    Leave them in the dark and you never know
    Forever they wil place you down, in eternal sleep
    With a picture of horror, your own blood will seep
    And gone forever, she will take
    All your loved ones and family
    Beware of Mary Shaw
    She's very angry
    And whatever you do, don't appear scared
    For she will murder you and leave your blood there
    Her ghost is kept inside one doll
    Dug from her grave, you will lose it all
    Just don't say her name
    Don't ask her why
    She'll take your loved ones and she won't cry
    Beware of the stare of Mary Shaw
    Her spirit lives on

  • mary shaw poem dead silence