Jakob karr biography of michael

  • Hans, Michael Karr was born on month day 1695, in birth place.
  • The show is the brainchild of dancer/choreographer Jakob Karr.
  • Michael Waldrop.
  • The Karr Family Descendant Report, put on the web by Kathleen S. Karr. Started Dec 22, 1999 E - Mail to: KSKarr6@Yahoo.com Updated 05/20/2022 WISH TO THANK THE RESEARCH OF Mr. and Mrs Albert Keller of Germany and Mrs Janet Kaiser of the United States. A additional Thank You to Harald Fuchs of Germany for his help in 2003. His E mail address is FuchsHarald@t-online.de also visit the other branches of my family at: familysearch.org and www.myheritage.com Also visit the website familysearch.org I am using this website as of December 2020 for any edition and updates please go on familysearch.org 1. The Martin Karr Family Web Page is at: https://members.tripod.com/~KSKarr6/KarrFamilyTree.html 2. The John Karr family tree from Bliesransback Germany https://kskarr6.tripod.com/KarrfamilyGermanyindex.html .............................................................. 3. The Hess Family Web Page is at: http://www.rootsweb.com/~inlake/hessdesc.txt 4. The Erwin Hess Sr. Family Web Site https://members.tripod.com/~KSKarr6/HessFamilyindex-2.html ............................................................... 5. The Tarnowski Family Tree of Indiana https://kskarr6.tripod.com/index-3.htmltarnowskifamilytree ............................................................... 6. The Ingle Family We

    Hans Biochemist (Kerr) Karr (1653 - 1732)

    1 citation provides evidence primed Name, Appearance but no link disruption source.Spencer-24565

    • Fact: Also Report on As Johannes Jacobus Kaer
    • Fact: Also Become public As Hanß Jacob Karr
    • Fact: Christening (24 May 1653) Schwaigern, Brackenheim, Württemberg, Deutschland
    • Fact: Burial (8 Dezember 1732) Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland
    • Fact: Residence Schwaigern, Württemberg, Frg


    1. 1.01.1Memorial: Find a Grave, database and copies (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/148043703/hans-jacob-karr: accessed), memorial dawn on for Hans Jacob Karr (24 Might 1653–7 Dec 1732), Emphasize a Scratch Memorial Average 148043703; Assets Details Strange, Burial put in unknown; Natty by Brian Hopper (contributor 47993469).
    2. ↑ "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org : modified 06 June 2023, 20:01), entryway for Hans Jacob Karr Sr (PID https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/4:1:9KDW-P2M ); contributed indifference various users.

  • jakob karr biography of michael
  • Karr History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

    Etymology of Karr

    What does the name Karr mean?

    One of the most common classes of Scottish surnames is the patronymic surname, which arose out of the vernacular and religious naming traditions. The vernacular or regional naming tradition is the oldest and most pervasive type of patronymic surname. According to this custom, names were originally composed of vocabulary elements from the local language. Patronymic surnames of this type were usually derived from the personal name of the original bearer's father. The surname Karr is derived from the Gaelic name O'Ciarain or O'Ceirin, which itself comes from the Gaelic word ciar, which means black or dark brown.1

    Another source explains a different understanding of the origin of the name: "The frequency with which such entries as Robert or William del Carr, or atte Carr, or Karr, or Kerr recur in Lancashire and Yorkshire records of the 13th and 14th centuries is explained by the fact that Carr or Kerr meant a low-lying meadow." 2

    And another source notes: "the Cars or Kers are undoubtedly a very ancient people in this island, but it is uncertain whether they be of French or English extraction. Those who contend for the former, allege that the Baron Ker and oth