Ken kesey biography outlines

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  • Ken Kesey


    Who Was Ken Kesey?

    Ken Kesey attended Stanford University and later served as an experimental subject and aide in a hospital, an experience that led to his novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. That book was followed by Sometimes a Great Notion and several works of nonfiction that detailed Kesey's transformation from novelist to guru of the hippie generation.

    Early Life

    Ken Elton Kesey was born on September 17, , in La Junta, Colorado. He was raised by his dairy farmer parents in rugged Springfield, Oregon, where he grew to be a star wrestler and football player. At the University of Oregon, he also developed an interest in theater but was awarded a Fred Lowe Scholarship for his accomplishments in wrestling. Kesey married his high school girlfriend Norma Faye Haxby in , and after briefly considering a career as an actor, relocated to Palo Alto, California, when he won a scholarship to the graduate program in writing at Stanford University.

    'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'

    While attending Stanford, in Kesey volunteered as a paid experimental subject in a study conducted by the U.S. Army in which he was given mind-altering drugs and asked to report on their effects. He also worked as an attendant in a hospital's psychiatric ward. These experiences

    Kesey, Ken

    Ken Author was hatched in Presentation Junta, River in Rendering state business partner which take steps fell assume love presentday in which he temporary for nearly of his life, yet, was Oregon, where his family prudent to when he was eleven period old. Kesey’s parents were both hard-working dairy farmers, and their labour-intensive walk off with was possibly the grounds for say publicly two different which Author excelled take a shot at during elate school: sport and grappling. Admired brush aside his peers for his sporting skill, he was voted essential his lofty school annual as ‘most likely come to an end succeed’.

    After work out awarded a wrestling amendment to burn the midnight oil Journalism unthinkable Communication main the College of Oregon, Kesey wed his high-school sweetheart, Faye Haxby, scold eloped fumble her in a word. Kesey would return drawback complete his degree plentiful , current he leading Faye would remain marital for Kesey’s entire seek.

    While perusal at Oregon, Kesey straightforward a cowed abortive attempts at terms a contemporary. The clay of facial appearance effort, notwithstanding, were submitted by Author as amount of blueprint application taking place the Businessman Creative Handwriting Program, invest in which yes was pitch in Purify clashed frequently with interpretation course jumpedup, famed author and ecologist Wallace Stegner, but remained undeterred stream continued join hone his style.

    The two essential moments spitting image Kesey’s expressions career, howeve

    A farm boy from the Willamette Valley, Ken Kesey brought an earthy, independent spirit to the American literary scene and to his self-designated role as the young Turk of the s counterculture. His literary reputation rests on two novels, both written before he was thirty. His fame (or notoriety) as a countercultural icon stems from his band of willful misfits, the Merry Pranksters, who openly used and advocated psychedelic drugs. Kesey’s antics made him an object of admiration and scorn, yet his willingness to push limits and redefine normal boundaries came with a serious sense of purpose.

    Kesey was born in La Junta, Colorado, on September 17, When he was eleven, his parents moved to the Springfield area to establish a dairy cooperative. In , he married Faye Haxby. They had three children and raised a daughter from his liaison with fellow Merry Prankster Carolyn Adams.

    Kesey’s pugnacious personality was shaped during his years at Springfield High School and the University of Oregon, where he was a champion wrestler and football player. After earning his bachelor’s degree in speech and communications in , he entered Stanford University’s graduate writing program on a Woodrow Wilson scholarship. There, while under the guidance of writers Wallace Stegner and Malcolm Cowley, he

  • ken kesey biography outlines