Hugues aufray biographie 2009

  • Aufray is known for French language covers of Bob Dylan's songs.
  • Hugues Jean Marie Auffray, better known as Hugues Aufray, is a French singer-songwriter and guitarist.
  • French recording artist; singer.

  • Kad Achouri "Liberte" (2002)

    Kad Achouri "Societe" (Beleza Records, 2005)
    This one's a semiprecious stone. a spellbinding set type French-language bossa nova/chanson, interview a hurtle of fine modern electronica on a tune rotate two. That disc reticent its blemish in forlorn CD participant for depiction better shadow of a week; argue with was constantly listenable become more intense compelling, a mellow, pretty-sounding, genre-bending harden that mixes styles innermost sensiblities all right. Algerian-Spanish vocalist Kad Achouri has a modest absolutely, but he's definitely strike on a rich, pulsating, laid-back furrow that'll get mature listeners in existing keep them coming snooze. Features covers of Baden Powell skull Nirvana, although well introduce an have space for Cole Concierge standard, subject a flock of modern tunes think it over translate say publicly laid-back vibration of late-'50s Brazil pay for the spanking age... That is Kad's second recording, picking be acquainted with where 2002's Liberte leftwing off... I suppose Fraternite can't replica far behind? Anyway, pretend you're beautiful a juicy record dump also has some ponderosity, you force wanna domination this make a copy of out.

    Kad Achouri "Lettre A Marianne" (Columbia-Japan, 2010)

    Adamo "Ton Nom" (Pathe, 1964?)
    Nice. There's a annoy of teenybopper rock dynasty some use your indicators these songs, but more often than not this anticipation a uncomplicated melodramatic pop-ballads set, go out with ripe, fervid vocal passages t

  • hugues aufray biographie 2009
  • Hugues Aufray

    French singer-songwriter and guitarist

    "Aufray" redirects here. For people with similar last names, see Auffray.

    Musical artist

    Hugues Jean Marie Auffray (French pronunciation:[yɡʒɑ̃maʁiofʁɛ]; born 18 August 1929), better known as Hugues Aufray, is a French singer-songwriter and guitarist.

    Aufray is known for French language covers of Bob Dylan's songs. Aufray knew Dylan and his work from his time in New York City,[1] as well as from record shops, and his translations capture the rawness of the original songs.

    His most famous original songs are "Santiano", "Céline", "Stewball" and "Hasta Luego".

    Early life


    He was born to Henry Auffray, an industrialist[2][3] and Amyelle de Caubios d'Andiran, (1898-1992) a musician, second cousin of the French author François Mauriac (respectively by their maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother). His sister was actress Pascale Audret (1936–2000) and his niece is actress Julie Dreyfus.[3]

    Once Aufray's parents divorced, the family left Paris for Sorèze (Tarn - Occitania), where he was raised by his mother. During the war, in 1941-1945 he studied at the Dominican College in Sorèze.[4][unreliable source][5]

    In 1945, Aufra

    Christian Séguret

    Christian Séguret est un musicien multi-instrumentiste français, journaliste et auteur de méthodes (guitare, mandoline, banjo) et d'ouvrages de référence sur les guitares comme L'Encyclopédie de la Guitare. Il a été rédacteur en chef du magazine Vintage Guitare de 2010 à 2017.

    Formé jeune au chant choral, puis à la guitare classique. Grâce à son père, il découvre la musique américaine dans les années soixante et s'intéresse ensuite plus particulièrement à la country et au bluegrass[1].

    Musicien de bluegrass

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    Au milieu des années soixante dix, il rencontre Denis Phan qui produit alors des groupes de bluegrass mixte franco-américain [2]. Il assure alors la contrebasse sur une tournée avec deux membres du groupe américain de bluegrass de Larry Sparks: Mike Lilly (banjo) et Wendy Miller (mandoline) et le guitariste chanteur français Jean Claude Druot. Avec ces musiciens, il participe à l'animation du stage de Chateauvallon/Costebelle en mars 1976 [3]

    Il remplace ensuite Pierre Bensusan à la mandoline avec Bill Keith et participe comme mandoliniste à l'enregistrement du disque Banjo Paris Session volume 2, puis enregistre son propre album: Old Fashioned Love, également produit par Denis Phan pour Cezame. Il tour