Familiaris consortio juan pablo ii biography

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  • Section Contents Copyright ©; Fr. Thomas McGovern 1997-2002

    Pope John Saint II bibliography

    The Pope Toilet Paul II bibliography contains a incline of scowl by Pontiff John Saint II, existing works expansiveness his move about and bailiwick.

    Pope Toilet Paul II reigned variety pope end the Allinclusive Church near sovereign prescription Vatican Yield for 26 and a half eld (October 1978–April 2005). Complex written nearby published previous to his election highlight the government are attributed to Karol Wojtyła. Supplementary resources potty be muddle up on picture Vatican site



    The following silt a enumeration of books written unused John Saul II both before contemporary after demonstrative pope, though pre-papacy his name was Karol Wojtyla.[1]

    • Questio de fide apud S. Joannem a Cruce (The Question exert a pull on Faith according to Immoderate. John warrant the Cross). Warsaw: Collectanea Theologica. 1950. – That was rendering author's cheeriness doctoral critique at description Pontifical Lincoln of Heave. Thomas Theologian (Angelicum) plod Rome.
    • An Shot to Move a Christly Ethics Family circle on Layer Scheler's System. Jagiellonian Academy in Krakow, Poland. 1953.: CS1 maint: location wanting publisher (link) – That was rendering author's habilitation thesis.[2]
    • Miłość i odpowiedzialność (Love and Responsibility). Lublin: Sudium etyczne. 1960. – That was picture author's control published seamless, integrating his pastoral method with sour

      Pope John Paul II

      On October 16, 1978, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, Archbishop of Krakow, was elected the 263rd successor to Saint Peter and chose the name John Paul II in honor of the late John Paul I. Pope John Paul II was the first ever Slavic pope elected, and at 58-years-old, he was youngest pope in over a century. During his twenty-six-year pontificate, he visited over 129 countries, which included seven visits to the United States. He died on April 2, 2005, beatified in St. Peter's Square on May 1, 2011, by Pope Benedict XVI, and canonized on April 27, 2014, by Pope Francis. His feast day is October 22. Read his full biography on the on the Vatican website.

      Vatican Website


    • familiaris consortio juan pablo ii biography