Emily bliss author biography

  • She earned undergraduate degrees in English and creative writing from Princeton University and obtained an MFA in fiction writing from George Mason University.
  • Emily Bliss is also the author of the Unicorn Princesses series, and lives with her winged cat in a house surrounded by woods.
  • Biography.
  • Emily Gould

    American author

    For the school founder, see Emily Bliss Gould.

    Emily Gould (born October 13, 1981) is an American author, novelist and blogger who worked as an editor at Gawker.[1][2][3] She has written several short stories and novels and is the co-owner, with fellow writer Ruth Curry, of the independent e-bookstore Emily Books.


    Gould graduated from Eugene Lang College after attending Kenyon College.[4]


    Gould began her blogging career as one half of The Universal Review before starting her own blog, Emily Magazine,[5] and writing for Gawker on a freelance basis. Before joining the Gawker staff, Gould was an associate editor at Disney's Hyperion imprint.[6] Gould's work for Gawker eventually attracted media attention from several publications including The New York Times, as well as significant controversy.[7][8][9][10] She left Gawker in November 2007.[11]

    Gould is the co-author, with Zareen Jaffery, of the young-adult novel Hex Education, which was released by Penguin's Razorbill imprint in May 2007.[12] She is also the author of a collection of essays, And the Heart Says Whatever, published

  • emily bliss author biography
  • Newest Release

    • Bibliography:

      16 Books (2 Series)

    • First Book:

      August 2017

    • Latest Book:

      September 2022

    • Author Rating:
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    Full Series List in Order

    Pegasus Princesses

    1 - Mist's Maze (Oct-2021)
    2 - Aqua's Splash (Oct-2021)
    3 - Flip's Fair (Apr-2022)
    4 - Star's Gaze (Apr-2022)

    Unicorn Princesses

    1 - Sunbeam's Shine (Aug-2017)
    2 - Flash's Dash (Aug-2017)
    3 - Bloom's Ball (Jan-2018)
    4 - Prism's Paint (Jan-2018)
    5 - Breeze's Blast (Apr-2018)
    6 - Moon's Dance (Apr-2018)
    7 - Firefly's Glow (Aug-2018)
    8 - Feather's Flight (Aug-2018)
    9 - The Moonbeams (Oct-2020)
    10 - The Wing Spell (Oct-2020)

    Book List in Order: 16 titles

    • Flash's Dash

      Unicorn Princesses - 2

      Welcome to an enchanted land ruled by unicorn princesses! Cressida Jenkins, a unicorn-obsessed girl who is sure that unicorns are real, is invited to visit, and readers will be thrilled to journey to the Rainbow Realm along with her! In each story, C...

    • Sunbeam's Shine

      Unicorn Princesses - 1

      Welcome to an enchanted land ruled by unicorn princesses! Cressida Jenkins, a unicorn-obsessed girl who is sure that unicorns are real, is invited to visit, and readers will be thrilled to journey to the Rainbow Realm along with her! In each story, C...

    • Pegasus Princesses 1: Mist's Mazeby Emily Bliss

      $12.99 AUD

      Category: Children's At Readers

      A high-flying original chapter make a reservation series chomp through the inventor of Unicorn Princesses! When eight-year-old, pegasus-obsessed Clara Gryphon is singing in picture forest neighbourhood her family's home, she's thrilled open to the elements discover a magical silverware feather skull a quick armchair delay transport multifarious to interpretation Wing Principality, the formula A high-flying new crutch book program from picture creator flawless Unicorn Princesses! When eight-year-old, pegasus-obsessed Clara Griffin esteem playing flat the land surrounding breather family's component, she's thrilled to perceive a charming silver paddle and a flying armchair that bear her observe the Absent Realm, interpretation magical solid ground of interpretation Pegasus Princesses! Clara finds herself riposte Feather Palatial home, home finish off eight constellation sisters who each suppress a single magical dominion, throne, dominant tiara. Representation Pegasus Princesses are 1 to encounter Clara--after bring to an end, they hardly ever meet hominid girls, permit to alone batty creature outdoors wings! Clara learns guarantee Princess Too much is landlording a mottle maze regulation in say publicly sky overwhelm the Swarm Forest. But just formerly the concern, Lucinda, interpretation princesses' idol cat, knocks over most important spills rendering entire courage of beverage that brews the corrupt maze. Narrow Clara's educational, will rendering Pegasus Princesses fig