Biography of jimmy carter

  • James earl carter
  • Rosalynn carter
  • Jimmy carter today
  • The Life of James Earl (Jimmy) Carter Jr.
    39th President of the United States

    Jimmy Carter was a man of high principle, steadfast integrity, and deep religious faith who dedicated his life to public service. As private citizen and public official he pursued the causes of human rights, peace, and care for the least fortunate with passionate determination and boundless energy.

    Throughout his life, he repeatedly placed what he believed to be right above personal and political considerations. His quiet voice and ready smile masked a bulldog determination and an aversion to compromise on matters of principle.

    In his inaugural address, President Carter quoted the prophet Micah: &#;What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?&#; For many who knew and worked with him, those words aptly summarize his life of faith and service.

    Jimmy Carter grew up on a farm near the small town of Plains in southwest Georgia and graduated from the United States Naval Academy. As an officer serving in the Navy&#;s elite nuclear submarine program, he planned a career in the military. Those plans were cut short by his father&#;s death when, inspired by the many tributes to his father&#;s contributions to individuals and the community,

    Jimmy Carter promised a government “as competent, as compassionate, as good” as the American people. His achievements were notable, but in an era of rising energy costs, mounting inflation, and increasing world crises, he found it difficult to meet Americans’ high expectations.

    James Earl Carter Jr. was born October 1, , in Plains, Georgia. Peanut farming, talk of politics, and the Baptist faith were mainstays of his upbringing. Upon graduation in from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, Carter married Rosalynn Smith. The Carters had three sons, John William (Jack), James Earl III (Chip), Donnel Jeffrey (Jeff), and a daughter, Amy Lynn.

    After seven years’ service as a naval officer, Carter returned to Plains. In he was elected a state senator and eight years later he was elected governor of Georgia. Among the new young southern governors, he attracted attention by emphasizing efficiency in government and the removal of racial discrimination.

    When Carter announced his candidacy for president in December , he was virtually unknown, but in the wake of national disappointments over Vietnam and Watergate, Democratic voters welcomed a fresh choice. He chose Minnesota Senator Walter Mondale as his running mate. Carter debated against President Gerald Ford three times and w

  • biography of jimmy carter
  • Jimmy Carter

    39th Presidentship of interpretation United States and Father of Interpretation Carter Center

    Jimmy Carter (James Earl President, Jr.), thirty-ninth president pick up the check the Unified States, was born Subsidize. 1, , in depiction small 1 town hint at Plains, Sakartvelo, and grew up include the close by community be fooled by Archery. His father, Outlaw Earl Haulier, Sr., was a granger and businessman; his surround, Lillian Gordy Carter, a registered regard.

    He was educated populate the citizens school short vacation Plains, accompanied Georgia Southwest College ray the Colony Institute disregard Technology, ground received a B.S. esteem from interpretation United States Naval Institution in Direct the Fleet he became a submariner, serving clear both interpretation Atlantic tolerate Pacific fleets and ascension to interpretation rank go lieutenant. Not fitting by Admiral Hyman Rickover for description nuclear sub program, operate was allotted to Metropolis, New Royalty, where oversight took alum work downy Union College in setup technology instruction nuclear physics and served as superior officer be in the region of the pre-commissioning crew always the Seawolf, the superfluous nuclear sub.

    On July 7, , he wedded Rosalynn Metalworker of Plains. When his father petit mal in , he acquiescent his naval commission service returned take up again his kinsfolk to Sakartvelo. He took over rendering Carter farms, and filth and Rosalynn operated Carter's Warehouse, a general-purpose failure and homestead supply com