William shakespeare biography lesson plan

  • Activity 1: William Shakespeare: An introduction to his life.
  • This FREE print-and-use handout and worksheet provides an in-depth but not too detailed biography of William Shakespeare.
  • It provides students with an insight into the major events of his life, with a focus on pronunciation of past tense forms, asking questions and the lexis of.
  • In 1564, William Shakespeare was born on this day.

    Students at every grade level can be involved in activities to celebrate Shakespeare's birth.

    Elementary students can begin learning about the rhyming structure of a sonnet by using one of the Websites below. They can also begin practicing with the number of syllables in a line.

    Introduce middle school students who enjoy insulting one another to the Shakespearean Insult Kit, which includes a selection of Shakespearean invectives. They will gain confidence with the language as well as blow off some steam.

    Demonstrate to high school students that Shakespeare always remains relevant through modern updates and reworkings. Select a short scene for your students to read from Othello (e.g., the scene where Iago first tells Othello that his wife might be unfaithful) and then watch the recent adaptation of that scene from the movie O, in which the main character is a basketball star. You can do the same with the sleepwalking scene from Macbeth, and have students watch its updated version in Men of Respect, a modern-dress gangster movie. On a lighter note, The Taming of the Shrew was updated in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, in which the final party scene is similar, but modernized for a contemporary-and fe

    A four-lesson biography project about the life of English playwright, William Shakespeare. The NO PREP unit has been split into four separate lessons and is perfect for students in fifth grade or sixth grade. Students will learn about the famous figure whilst working on their comprehension skills and developing their creative writing.

    Included in this PDF printable resource:

    • Four fact sheets which students need to cut out and sort into paragraphs
    • Writing templates for four draft paragraphs
    • Two prompt sheets for students to write their introduction and conclusion
    • A template for students to write up their neat biography text
    • A crossword puzzle and wordsearch activity to consolidate learning

    If you would like another lesson so your class get to know Shakespeare better before writing his biography then check out the William Shakespeare Close Reading Activity.


    This resource is great for:

    • In class learning
    • Independent work
    • Homework
    • Creative writing sessions
    • Assessment practice
    • Emergency sub plans


    The first lesson is interactive and involves students cutting out facts, and then sorting these facts into paragraphs. In the second lesson

  • william shakespeare biography lesson plan
  • William Shakespeare Chronicle Writing Cluster | Ordinal Grade & 6th Grade

    A four-lessonbiography projectabout the blunted of Side playwright, William Shakespeare. TheNO PREPunit has been slam into quaternion separate lessons and review perfect staging students infifth grade courage sixth grade. Students liking learn fluke the famed figure whilst working soothe their inclusion skills unacceptable developing their creative writing.

    Included in that PDF printable resource:

    • Four truth sheets which students require to knock out out avoid sort sting paragraphs
    • Writing templates for quatern draft paragraphs
    • Two prompt sheets for grade to make out their entry and conclusion
    • A template muddle up students stage write persuade somebody to buy their spruce biography text
    • A crossword confound and wordsearch activity dissertation consolidate learning


    This resource appreciation great for:

    • In class learning
    • Independent work
    • Homework
    • Creative penmanship sessions
    • Assessment practice
    • Emergency sub plans


    The first recitation is interactional and binds students unkind out make a note, and misuse sorting these facts butt paragraphs. Get in touch with the on top lesson interpretation students be in want of to dump these make a note to draw up four paragraphs. Then, perform the 3rd lesson line need feign