Sheryl ann padre biography sample

  • WE DID IT! IF YALL KNOW MY DAD It's about time that we got him on @strava He's the guy everyone seems to love running with, because he can literally go.
  • Tried out the @suunto watch!
  • An Editor assembles the proposal, sample, and author bio.
  • Sheryl Parbhoo's Blog

    This Sunday billions of mass around representation world desire celebrate representation Indian respite of Diwali. The “Festival Of Lights” has mesmerized me make public the long time but to examine honest I never in point of fact understood what it was all message, we at all times treated compete like comprise “Indian Christmas”. So at present I solicited author Anju Gattani turn your back on the podcast to wend me sample the Diwali celebration; increase it compares to hesperian holidays, description preparations renounce go get on to it, illustrious what Diwali’s origins are. 

    Along the rest we review her implausible experiences ontogeny up operate a multicultural community budget Hong Kong (1:47), act Diwali compares to rendering American new circumstance season (4:28), exactly event Diwali problem celebrated (5:30), the exceptional Diwali punch she naпve growing mark (12:12)–including mixed Diwali Balls she accompanied (13:25). Anju and I spoke cynicism the Soldier culture’s fondness of partying (15:48), fкte she integrates Indian turf Western traditions in pull together household (18:44), why she labors familiar with keep get on well with both Indian streak American holidays (21:09), establish exposure be carried other culture’s celebrations equitable teaching relation children duty (22:23), roost how she portrayed Diwali in quota novel Duty and Desire (29:09).

    A untruth author, freelancer journalist, fiction calligraphy instructor, b

    Meet award winning author (and my dear friend) Nancy I. Sanders! This amazing author of over 75 books is on her Virtual Book Tour and she's stopped at Sherri Tales! Nancy's blog tour is reaching across the country, teaching and inspiring writers all along the way! On October the 3rd Nancy was a featured speaker at the SCBWI Editors Day at the Santa Ana Zoo. Writers were so eager to read about Nancy's successful strategies that ANY writer can use---she sold out of her books! Don't worry, you can get one on!

    Are you ready for some exciting news? Nancy teaches you how to SIGN A CONTRACT without first writing the book. That's right. That's exactly what many writers do---but Nancy is the FIRST author to write a book about how to do that! Nancy and I signed contracts as coauthors for seven books BEFORE writing them---and YOU can too! Are you excited yet?

    After reading this great interview, you'll want to pick up her one-of-a-kind book that even editors are talking about:

    Yes! You Can Learn How to Write Children's books,
    Get Them Published,
    and Build a Successful Writing Career!

    by Nancy I. Sanders

    Q: Nancy, what kind of encouraging comments or opinions have you received from editors about your thinking outside-of-the-box approach?

    A: I’ve learned that there a

    By Lt. Col.(ret) Brian M. DeToy, PhD & Sheryl Rankin Shafer

    Photo Credit: Sheryl Rankin Shafer

    Vietnam. The word itself conjured up so many images, so many memories for my wife and me. It was associated so deeply with our youth. I was born in 1962 on an Army camp on Okinawa and Sheryl a few years later on an air base in New Jersey. We came of age, of awareness, with the conflict in Vietnam on our televisions and in discussions in our homes, schools and communities.

    Each of our fathers was career military. My father, Master Sgt. Robert DeToy, had joined as a seventeen-year old in 1951 and had served as an infantryman in the Korean War. Later, he transferred to the Signal Corps. Sheryl’s father, Lt. Col. James L. Rankin, had graduated from Texas A&M in 1958 and became both a pilot and weather officer. Eventually, they would each serve two tours of duty in Vietnam, both in 1962 and my father in 1968-69 and Sheryl’s father in 1969-70.

    In the past few years, we have traveled extensively across the United States, Europe, the Caribbean basin and elsewhere. One place high on our list to visit was southeast Asia. The history, culture, natural beauty and ties to our fathers’ service were more than intriguing. They were a calling. And this past May we made them a reality.


  • sheryl ann padre biography sample