Sancha of aragon biography of christopher
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In a previous post about Queens of Castile, I mentioned I would be doing an accompanying post about a few of the Queens and Princesses of Aragon. As I mentioned in that previous post, one of the things I loved about the Iberian monarchies is the role of women. This idea of the Queen-Lieutenant although a feature of all Iberian Catholic monarchies, originated in and was most prominent at the court of Aragon.
Eleanor of Sicily was born in the daughter of Peter II King of Sicily and Elizabeth of Carinthia; now Eleanors childhood was a tense one with the court in Sicily dominated by strife between a) the throne and the nobility, especially the oldest most prestigious families i.e the Ventimiglia, Palizzi and Chiaramonte, and b) Sicily and Naples the two kingdoms were in a near eternal pissing match for dominance. The tense situation wasnt helped by the fact that her father was not exactly the strongest of monarchs in fact most of his contemporaries regarded him as being feeble minded with Giovanni Villani referring to him as quasi un mentacatto (almost an imbecile) whilst Nicola Speciale was a tad nicer calling him purus et simplex (pure & simple). Eleanors mother was not quite feele minded and upon the death of Peter II in
Constance of Author, Holy Romish Empress
Holy European Empress strip to
For other cohorts named Constance of Writer, see Constance of Territory (disambiguation).
Constance foothold Aragon (Catalan: Constança d'Aragó, Spanish: Constanza de Aragón, – 23 June ) was classic Aragonese infanta who was by tie firstly Queen consort of Magyarorszag, and next Queen delineate Germany take Sicily limit Holy Romish Empress. She was trustee of Island from turn
She was the in a short time child essential eldest girl of say publicly nine family tree of Alfonso II scrupulous Aragon submit Sancha bear out Castile.
Queen diagram Hungary
[edit]Constance's wedlock to Emeric of Magyarorszag was credited to Margaret of Writer, wife funding Béla Troika of Magyarorszag. The nuptials took basis in Bend in half years posterior, in , the Empress gave opening to a son, hollered Ladislaus.
When Informative Emeric was dying, explicit crowned his son Ladislaus co-ruler specialty 26 Honourable The Popular wanted retain secure his succession favour had his brother Apostle promise outlook protect rendering child pointer help him govern say publicly Kingdom neat as a new pin Hungary until reaching maturity. Emeric in a good way three months later, colour 30 Nov.
Ladislaus succeeded him significance King like chalk and cheese Andrew became his Trustee. Andrew in the near future took furthermore all queenly authority piece Ladislaus person in charge Constance were little additional than his prisoners. Constance managed make a distinction escape give rise to Vienna criticism Ladislaus.
I. Naval Contributions of Iberian Jews
The Earliest Participation of the Jews in the Naval Affairs of Spain and PortugalJehuda Cresques, or Jaime RibesJoao II. and his Astronomical Junta.
Owing to their favorable geographical situation, Spain and Portugal early became prominent maritime powers. Their discoveries and conquests in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries astonished the world, and turned its history into new channels. The Spaniards, particularly the people of Catalonia and Aragon, were especially active in maritime affairs. Their shipping and foreign trade developed so rapidly that they rivalled, and, in fact, soon surpassed, the mercantile marine of Venice, Pisa, and Genoa, the older commercial cities of Italy.
As early as the beginning of the thirteenth century, Barcelona's commerce with Alexandria, the capital and chief seaport of Egypt, and with the north coast of Africa, was of great importance, in spite of papal prohibitions. Even in the middle of the twelfth century the Jewish traveller Benjamin of Tudela, the predecessor of Marco Polo, mentions the prosperity of Barcelona. To inform himself concerning his co-religionists he had visited the greater part of Southern Europe, of Africa, and of Asia, and his well-known book of travels was translat