Niels bohr biography in hindi
Niels Bohr (Niels Bohr) is one of the most important scientists of modern physics, known for his important contributions to quantum theory and the Nobel Prize for the study of atomic structure.
Niels Henrik David Bohr was born in 1885, Copenhagen. His father was a science professor at the University of Copenhagen, and the Nobel Prize went to Christian Boer and Ellen Adler Bohr, wealthy Hispanics known for their Danish banks. And the Jewish family of the Parliamentary Circle. Bohr received his doctorate from the University of Copenhagen in 1911 and then studied with Ernest Rutherford at Victoria University in Manchester, England.
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Niels Bohr was a highly successful scientist and he had proposed revolutionary theories about atomic structure and radiation emission. His idea won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922. Many years later, after participating in the Manhattan Project in the United States, he called for the responsible and peaceful application of atomic energy around the world.
Niels Bohr biography will help us in studying about Niels Bohr Discovery in parallel with his personal life and achievements.
Bohr Scientist Early Life:
Niels Bohr Education:
Niels Bohr Scientist was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 7, 18
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Niel Bohr: Biography & Atomic Theory
Bohr was a top researcher and scientist in contemporary science, well known for his contributions to particle physics theory and prize-winning noble studies on atomic composition.
Born in Copenhagen in early 1885 to a very well-literate and educated family, Bohr developed an early passion for science. He studied physics throughout his undergraduate and graduate years, earning a doctoral degree in quantum mechanics from Copenhagen University in 1911.
However, as a teenager, Bohr won a competition sponsored by the Danish Academy of Psych Sciences for his research into measuring solvent interfacial friction by vibrating liquid planes. He did various tests and sometimes even constructed his own personal glass capillary tube while studying in his Fathers lab who was a famous physiologist.
The Quantum Theory
According to Bohr’s notion of complements, which he discussed in a series of writings from 1934 and 1962, an atom may be seen in two different ways: as both a charged particle and a wave, and yet never both at the given time.
This notion, which served as the foundation for earlier quantum physics, also underscores that no matter how much one perceives an atom, any knowledge of all its qualities must be grounded in actual