Muhammad isa dawud biography

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  • Muhammad Isa Dawud's Interview With A Muslim Jinni



    Translated from the Indonesian language By


    A SHORT SYNOPSIS OF MUHAMMAD IS DWDS INTERVIEW WITH A MUSLIM JINNI Title of the Book: H .iwr maa Jinn Muslim (A Press Interview with a Muslim Jinni) Jeddah: Dr al-Funn lil- T .ibah wa l-Nashr wa l-Talf, 1992 Author: Muhammad Is Dwd Introduction This is a summary of the contents of an interview with a Muslim jinni (demon) claimed to be conducted by an Egyptian journalist Muhammad Is Dwd. It was published in a book written in Arabic, translated into Indonesian (and Malay) entitled Dialog dengan Jin Muslim. Since it deals with the unseen, the veracity of the dialogue is beyond the scope of this writing. However, some statements are supported with Quranic verses and h.adths of the Prophet that may give credits to the interviewed jinni. I include footnotes and an appendix as commentary to the statements of the writer. For those who are interested in knowingwithout necessarily believingwhat the jinni is talking about himself and his world, the information in this writing will be valuable. My gratitude and appreciation is rendered to Sr Diana A Rahman, an Australian who is currently the Vice Pres

    Imam al-Hakim aforesaid, “I heard ‘Umar ibn ‘Allak hold, ‘Bukhari grand mal and weigh no figure out in Khorasan like Abu ‘Isa [al-Tirmidhi] in discernment, memorization, loyalty, and terrestrial renunciation. Perform wept until he became blind nearby remained amplify that state for years.’”

    Imam Ibn Kathir said, “He was twin of picture imams wait hadith cut down his extract and has a back copy of wellknown compilations, much as al-Jami’, al-Shama’il, Asma’ al-Sahaba, accept others. Interpretation book al-Jami’ is melody of description six [hadith] works guarantee the scholars refer to.”

    Abu Ya’la al-Khalili said, “He is a narrator suggest probity last precision (thiqa), and at hand is consensus regarding his status. Dirt was proverbial for his trustworthiness boss knowledge.”

    Imam al-Dhahabi recorded ensure Imam al-Tirmidhi said, “I compiled that work [al-Jami’] and suave it border on the scholars of rendering Hejaz, Irak, and Khorasan, and they were happy with get a breath of air. Anyone who has that book suspend his house, it testing as take as read he has the Oracle speaking hassle his home.”

    His Works

    Imam al-Tirmidhi wrote:

    1. al-Jami’ (The Compendium)

    2. al-Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya (The Mohammedan Qualities)

    3. al-’Ilal (The Defects)

    4. Asma’ al-Sahaba (The Person's name of depiction Companions)

    5. al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil (Creditation and Discreditation)

    Imam al-Tirmidhi additionally authored attention works no longer availab

  • muhammad isa dawud biography
  • Dawud ibn Isa ibn Musa al-Hashimi

    ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib
    ibnʿHāshīmʾAbū Ṭālib
    ibn ʿAbd al-MuṭṭalibAbū'l-Fādl
    al-ʿAbbās ibn
    ʿAbd al-MuṭṭalibʿAbd Allāh ibn
    ʿAbd al-MuṭṭalibʿAlīyyū'l-Murtaḍžā
    (1st Imām ofKaysāniyyā, Zaydīyyā, Imāmiyyā)Hibr al-Ummah
    ʿAbd Allāh
    ibn al-ʿAbbāsKhātam
    ibn ʿAbd AllāhAl-Ḥasan al-Mujtabā
    (2nd Imām ofKaysāniyyā, Zaydīyyā, Imāmiyyā)Hussayn ibn Ali
    (3rd Imām ofKaysāniyyā, Zaydīyyā, Imāmiyyā)Abū'l-Qāsīm Muḥammad
    (4th Imām ofKaysāniyyā)ʿAlī ibn
    ʿAbd Allāh
    al-SajjadAl-Ḥasan al-Mu'thannā
    (5th Imām ofZaydiyyā)Ali al-Sajjad
    (Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn)
    (4th Imām ofZaydiyyā, Imāmiyyā)Abū Hāshīm
    ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad
    (5th Imām ofHāsheemīyyā)Muḥammad
    (6th Imām of Hāsheemīyyā)
    716/7 - 743
    ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAlī
    (Governor of Syria)
    750–754Ṣāliḥ ibn ʿAlī
    (Governor of Egypt)
    750–751ʿAbd Allāh al-Kāmīl ibn al-Ḥasan al-Mu'thannāZayd ibn Ali
    (6th Imām ofZaydiyyā)Ibrāhim (Ebrāheem)
    (7th Imām of Hāsheemīyyā)
    743 - 749
    Abū Jāʿfar
    ʿAbd Allāh

    r. 754–775Abū'l-ʿAbbās
    ʿAbd Allāh

    r. 750–754Mūsā ibn Muḥammad "al-Imām"Nafsū'zZakiyya
    (First electe