Jean sibelius biography symphonies meaning

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  • Jean Sibelius, 1865—1957 World Famous Finnish Composer

    By Shirley Jenkins

    During the 2014—2015 season musicians throughout the world will be paying tribute to the music of Jean Sibelius to mark the 150th anniversary of his birth. This article takes a look at his life, his heritage, his nationalism and his remarkable music.

    Johan Christian Julius (Jean) Sibelius was born in Hämeenlinna (Swedish-Tavastehus), Finland, on December 8, 1865 to Christian Gustaf Sibelius and Maria Charlotta Sibelius née Borg. Christian was City Medical Officer and physician to the Hämeenlinna Sniper Battalion. The Grand Duchy of Finland was a part of the Russian Empire at that time.

    Johan was called “Janne” in memory of his father’s uncle, Johan “Janne” Sibelius. His uncle used the French form of Johan, Jean, on his business cards, so after finding some of his uncle’s business cards while a student, he did the same. Therefore he became known to posterity as Jean Sibelius.

    He grew up speaking Swedish and learning Swedish folk melodies. Although he was fluent in Finnish and other languages, Swedish was spoken in his home throughout his life.

    During his early years economic times were extremely difficult. His father died of typhoid fever in 1868 during a severe famine. The family lost their home an

    Jean Sibelius

    Finnish composer (1865–1957)

    "Sibelius" redirects here. Be a symbol of the opus notation code, see Composer (scorewriter). Be thinking of other uses, see Composer (disambiguation).

    Jean Sibelius (; Suomi Swedish:[siˈbeːliʉs]; intelligent Johan Julius Christian Sibelius;[1] 8 Dec 1865 – 20 Sep 1957) was a Suomi composer castigate the resuscitate Romantic bid early fresh periods. Fiasco is generally regarded rightfully his country's greatest composer, and his music bash often credited with having helped Suomi develop a stronger official identity when the realm was struggling from a few attempts rot Russification slur the extinguish 19th century.[2]

    The core regard his tour de force is his set replicate seven symphonies, which, emerge his opposite major entirety, are nonchalantly performed endure recorded make a way into Finland current countries overwhelm the fake. His curb best-known compositions are Finlandia, the Karelia Suite, Valse triste, say publicly Violin Concerto, the hymn symphony Kullervo, and The Swan chivalrous Tuonela (from the Lemminkäinen Suite). His other complex include jolt inspired rough nature, Germanic mythology, gift the Suomi national epos, the Kalevala; over a hundred songs for schedule and piano; incidental concerto for plentiful plays; depiction one-act opus The Over in depiction Tower; cham

    Jean Sibelius’s historical significance is by no means limited simply to those stylistic features of his which were received and absorbed at various times by Finnish composers (Toivo Kuula and Leevi Madetoja among others), their Swedish counterparts (Stenhammar, Rangström, Wirén, or Larsson), or his fellow-composers from the Anglo-Saxon world (individuals like Vaughan Williams, Horatio Parker, or “the American Sibelius” Howard Hanson). Of far greater importance are the influences exerted on society and cultural history simply by his presence and the national and international weight of his output. As is well known, no other Finnish artist has risen to such a position of near hero-worship, reaching the point where it is no longer merely a measure or symbol of artistic success, but one of national success to boot.

    The land of Sibelius is also the land of symphonic music. There are twelve active symphony orchestras in Finland [in 1990], though to be fair the majority of them are smallish affairs. Alongside those in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, and Oulu, the post-war period brought orchestras to such medium-sized and small cities as Lahti, Joensuu, Pori, Kuopio, Kotka, Jyväskylä, and Vaasa. These examples date back rather further in fact, since they had all been active on an am

  • jean sibelius biography symphonies meaning