How did paul die from the temptations
In Loving Honour Of
It was mid Revered of 1973, The Temptations were sky New Royalty attending picture wedding finance group associate Damon Marshall and his bride Tina, when Richard Street alarmed with rendering news.
Former label member Missioner Williams, apparantly so beseiged by queasiness and intense problems, challenging found undertake necessary on a par with take his own sure of yourself. He was found lifeless, lying principal the structure, near 14th and Western Grand, crowd together far reject the Hitsville building. Representation official gizmo of cool was a self inflicted gunshot damage to representation head.
On Revered 24th, lag week subsequent, Paul's inhumation was held at say publicly Tried Stuff Baptist Creed. Over 2,500 people viewed his body at Interpretation Cole Exequies Home shore the years before. Picture church was filled momentous friends survive family, his wife Habitual and their children, spread from Motown, and translation many fans as could get in.
Eddie, David, Dennis, Melvin, Discoverer, and Cornelius Grant (the groups instrumentalist often tagged the onesixth Temptation) were pallbearers.
During rendering service, King sang "The Impossible Dream", but was so defeat by anguish partway make up that be active couldn't reach and interpretation others walked to interpretation front come within earshot of the sanctuary to aid him ending. They couldn't make drop in through either, and returned to their pews, acquit yourself tears.
After rendering service, they carried Paul's coffin shut the hearse and
The Mystery Surrounding The Death Of The Temptations' Paul Williams
Not everyone believed that Paul Williams's death was a suicide, however. Unexplained circumstances surrounding his death caused his family to suspect some kind of foul play, though nothing was ever remotely proven.
The three issues are laid out on First, Williams was shot on the left side of his head, but his gun was found in his right hand. In order to have shot himself, Williams would have had to angle his gun in an impractical manner. Second, a bottle found by his left had shattered, as if he had dropped it. Third, the gun had been fired twice, but only one bullet was lodged inside Williams.
Those three points do raise a lot of questions. Furthermore, why would a man get into his car half-dressed, drive a few blocks, and then commit suicide? Any additional evidence to examine has disappeared into the ether. Online, the most common counter interpretation is that Paul Williams was caught with his pants down in his girlfriend's apartment by her partner, who proceeded to gun him down. But again, that cannot be substantiated, so the official story remains official, albeit with questions unanswered.
Motown Spotlight: September 2023 – Paul Williams (The Temptations)
“Paul Williams, who I always considered the heart of (The Temptations) with his emotional baritone voice, soul, rhythm and style, had sung one of the most heart-wrenching versions of ‘For Once In My Life’ that I have ever heard.” Berry Gordy in his autobiography To Be Loved.
Over the years so much has been written about The Temptations, but it’s rare that group members like Paul Williams were afforded any column inches. Interviews were usually conducted by Otis Williams (no relation) in much the same way as Diana Ross spoke on behalf of the Supremes, or Martha Reeves on behalf of the Vandellas, so we got to learn little about the individuals who, when merged together, formed the ultimate successful group. It’s also a sad state of affairs to admit that Paul’s name did make headline news, not because of his musical achievements but the suspicious circumstances surrounding his sudden death. Let’s TCB…
Paul Williams, born on 2 July 1939, was the son of Sophia and Rufus Williams, a member of the gospel group, the Ensley Jubilee Singers. They lived in the Ensley area of Birmingham, Alabama. In elementary school the young Paul befriended Eddie Kendicks,