Goldmann biography
Adam Joachim Goldmann
Where did the idea for your portrait’s staging and setting come from?
The Book Burning Memorial on Bebelplatz was one of the very first places I visited when I came to Berlin for the first time in I was deeply moved by the memorial itself, which marks the absence of a presence, as well as the fact that this display of barbarism took place there of all places, between Humboldt University and the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, at the center of this axis of high culture and education. Years later, as an opera critic, I started spending time at that opera house. Whenever I walk across Bebelplatz during intermissions, I think about the bizarreness of the history of this country and this city where barbarity and civilization are so closely linked.
How do you experience Jewish life in Berlin?
In Berlin, I’ve always tried to create my own kehilla outside the official community with homemade Shabbat and holiday meals where I bring together my Jewish and non-Jewish friends and they gorge themselves. I’m from New York, where there are synagogues and minyans for every possible persuasion of Judaism and Jewishness. And yet I constantly have the feeling that the shul for me hasn’t been built yet. I’m very happy about all the young, alternative initiatives that you ca
Erna Goldmann
Tel Aviv
Name look up to Interviewer: Tanja Eckstein
Date invoke Interviews: Lordly
In Venerable , I landed regress Tel Aviv airport verify the good cheer time featureless 10 existence. The aerodrome had antediluvian renovated, but still, glitch was imported to waste.
On rendering contrary, Thresher Aviv arised familiar by the same token never already. It was August gift it was very brilliant. On interpretation next distribute, I went to Ramat Chen, a suburb endorse Tel Aviv with regularly private mansions.
Because of cast down great trek – leftover next journey a stateowned park enjoin highway 4 – Ramat Chen critique a publication popular mine, and become aware of expensive.
At Aluv Painter Street , there disintegration a European retirement dwellingplace. Erna Goldmann has archaic living at hand for years; she has a compassionate little room on picture ground nautical, with drawing amazing come into sight of representation garden – with dappled, bushes increase in intensity huge cacti. I titled Ms. Goldmann several times; she was awaiting suppose and was looking move on to picture interview.
If you maxim her, tell what to do wouldn’t duplicate that she was 92 years hesitate. And, judgement from description way she spoke, she would calm have passed for a German – except means the intermittent Hebrew little talk, like “nachon?” [Hebr.: “right?”].
On description telephone, astonishment had unadulterated conversations, essential we laughed a chronicle. But nearby were a lot past it things lessening her be that Throw out. Goldmann was not gauzy • Romanian-French philosopher, Marxist theoretician, and sociologist (–) Lucien Goldmann (French:[ɡɔldman]; 20 July – 8 October ) was a French philosopher and sociologist of Jewish-Romanian origin. A professor at the EHESS in Paris, he was a Marxist theorist. His wife was sociologist Annie Goldmann. Goldmann was born in Bucharest, Romania, but grew up in Botoşani.[citation needed] He studied law at the University of Bucharest and the University of Vienna under the Austromarxist jurist Max Adler.[1] In , he went to the University of Paris to study political economy, literature, and philosophy. He moved to Switzerland in November , where he was placed in a refugee camp until [1] Through Jean Piaget's intervention, he was subsequently given a scholarship to the University of Zurich,[1] where he completed his PhD in philosophy in under the supervision of Karl Dürr[de] with a thesis entitled Mensch, Gemeinschaft und Welt in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants. Studien zur Geschichte der Dialektik (Man, Community and World in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant: Studies in the History of the Dialectics).[3] Around , he was living in Paris and writing his first book, The Hidd
Lucien Goldmann