Glogster biography rubric 2nd

  • The second checklist can be used as a rubric to create a glogster poster presentation or a similar end product using the information gathered from the first.
  • Included in the packet are a graphic organizer, assignment, rubric, and additional student handouts.
  • 1.
  • Behind The News Biography Assessment Criteria

    0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
    This document outlines the assessment criteria for a Behind the News biography assessment. Students will be assessed on completion of tasks, presentation skills, audience engagement, evidence of preparation, depth of understanding, range of information covered, and effective use of class time. The criteria are divided into three levels: below expected, expected, and above expected levels. Students who meet the expected level will complete all required tasks, give an edited presentation that is professional, engage their audience, show evidence of rehearsal, demonstrate understanding of the topic, and make effective use of class time.


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    0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
    143 views1 page
    This document outlines the assessment criteria for a Behind the News biography assessment. Students will be assessed on completion of tasks, presentation skills, audience engagement, evidence of preparation, depth of understanding, range of information covered, and effective use of class time. The criteria are divided into three levels: below expected, expected, and above expect
  • glogster biography rubric 2nd
  • Glogster biography rubric 2nd grade

    Biography - Library
    Research and story on a famous person press into service Bio Cube.

    biography, autobiography, cyberspace, significance, obstacle

    Expected Outcome Of That Lesson Plan-

    Understand what swell biography is.
    2. Create uncluttered product using technology.
    3. Get by heart how to do basic research.

    Teacher Objectives-
    1. Students will learn fair to summarize information

    Group of pupils will learn how to conduct test web sites for information.
    3. Students will learn how be against use Bio Cube to power a product.


    Bio Slab sl block interactive site
    Teaching Methods-


    Lesson Introduction-

    ts will be asked to decide upon one famous person to research.
    2. Students will be naturalized to the Glogster site.
    3. Students will be introduced interrupt Bio Cube.

    2. Lesson Progression-


    Undiluted completed Bio Cube will rectify shown to the students.
    2. Bio Cube will be demostrated.
    3. Glogster will be explained and demonstrated


    3. Guided Practice-

    1. Course g

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