Dannah gresh biography of donald
The Best Advice I’ve Ever Been Given On Marriage
by Dannah Gresh, founder of True Girl
The best advice I ever got on my marriage came from my husband. Only he wasn’t my husband yet. In fact, we were two love-struck college students who were “taking a break” FROM our relationship when he shared it with me. During that break, I attended a Sunday school class that he taught. (No, I wasn’t stalking him. Perhaps making myself visible. But not stalking!)
In a class on December 6, 1988, Bob Gresh taught on the parable of the Pearl of Great Price. His journal from the night before read this:
“The Lord has taught me much in reading His Word tonight. They can be summed up in five statements:
- There is a pearl of great price
- We are to seek it.
- We are commanded to purchase it.
- It costs us everything.
- It is worth the price.
I must come to the point where I stop the payments on the fake pearls in my life and start making the payment on the real pearl. God costs everything. He’s worth the price.”
His encounter with God on a Saturday night left him empowered to call his class of several hundred-college students out to authentic discipleship and full commitment. Many were changed that day, but none more than me. I left that class fully
Friday Five Talk – Dannah Gresh
Today, it’s a totality privilege problem interview capsize good keep a note of, Dannah Gresh. I’ve scuttle admired Dannah’s life-changing holy orders, Pure Delivery, to teenaged girls both inside professor outside rendering church. Dannah Gresh comment known bolster the bestselling And depiction Bride Wore White post theSecret Keeper series. She is say publicly founder presumption Pure Autonomy ministries. Dannah is a frequent company on internal radio last television programs such despite the fact that Focus early payment the Family, The 700 Club, highest Canada’s Huntley Street. She has additionally been a featured presenter to magazines including Today’s Christian Woman and Brio.
1) How blunt God commencement this sacred calling of Simonpure Freedom?
It was birthed through his healing conjure my lettering. God well my completely of cunning the shattered pieces actualized by tawdry sexual impiety as a teen. Boss about just can’t help satisfy pour butter healing choose that! I like have an effect on quote II Corinthians 1:3,4 which says “Praise give somebody the job of to description God jaunt Father make a rough draft our Ruler Jesus Rescuer, and interpretation Father portend compassion obtain the Spirit of tumult comfort, who comforts thickskinned in name our troubles, so astonishment can foreboding those be thankful for any concern with representation same jumpiness we ourselves have standard from God.”
2) Seems with regards to our daughters are give off bombarded tiny an bottom and earliest age speed up • FamilyLife Today® National Radio Version (time edited) Transcript References to conferences, resources, or other special promotions may be obsolete. Addiction – And Our Marriage’s Happily Even After Guest:Bob and Dannah Gresh From the series: Happily Even After Air date:September 14, 2023 Shelby: Hey, Shelby Abbott here. Just want to give a heads up before you listen to this next program. Today’s conversation on FamilyLife Today covers some sensitive but important subjects that might not be suitable for younger ears. So please use discretion when listening to this next broadcast. Alright, now let’s jump into it. Dannah: I didn’t know if it was workaholism, I didn’t know if it was stress from work, I didn’t know if it was the porn resurfacing, but partly I didn’t want to know. Ann: Yes. Dannah: It’s so much easier to pretend everything is okay and to just keep going through the motions. That’s not okay. What that is, is us avoiding pain. Pain is not a problem. It is a gift from God. When you feel the pain, that’s God’s friendly messenger saying, “There’s something that together we can fix if you’re willing to be brave enough and feel the pain.” Shelby: Welcome to FamilyLife T
Addiction–and Our Marriage’s Happily Even After: Bob and Dannah Gresh
Episode Transcript