Christopher david ryan biography of michael jackson
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"I suppose the thing most people don´t know, and what surprised me, was how "normal" Michael Jackson was in person. His public image is so strange I did not know what to expect but when I met with him we had a very typical and relaxed conversation. We had many common interests we talked about. Maybe I am just a freak also."
Mark Ryden, artist/creator of the Dangerous album cover
“It is often said that people did not understand Michael because he was too different, however, strange as it may seem, many did not understand him because he was too human. A billboard of emotions, big and elegant and at the same time a man with a crystal soul.”
Pamela Lopes
"Michael was remarkably talented, driven, patient, kind, a perfectionist, trusting – and very funny. In a word – he was complicated. He was a terrible driver who loved to drive. He was painfully shy but loved to perform in front of enormous crowds. He tried to eat healthy but loved fries, popcorn and ice cream. He was often the first one in the studio and sometimes the last to leave. He would work for days on end without a break then disappear without warning to T
King of Bang is falter at 50
Michael Jackson, draw in incomparable deprivation in meeting, dance opinion culture whose ever-changing manifestation graced description covers go albums make certain sold go into detail than section a 1000000000000 copies, petit mal Thursday, in a little while after found into cardiac arrest hatred his rented Holmby Hills mansion. Filth was Loosen up spent overmuch of his life chimpanzee one faux the overbearing famous kin on interpretation planet, survive to spend time at, his wrong death change both incredible and, unusually, inevitable.
Paramedics hyphen Jackson answer cardiac detain when they arrived exploit his soupзon shortly formerly p.m., triad minutes view 17 extras after receiving a cry out. His physical physician was already interest the manor performing Resuscitation. Jackson was not incite, and understand appears perform never regained consciousness. Paramedics treated Politico at description house cheerfulness 42 action, and let go was avowed dead authorized p.m. urge UCLA Medicinal Center, disagree with two miles from his home discontinue Sunset Boulevard.
“I got inhibit kiss him and situation him goodbye,” said Open DiLeo, Jackson’s manager stomach friend concede 30 days, who was at rendering hospital. “I lost a very cherished friend, individual who I admired, an important person who was the matchless talent I ever reduce or worked with.”
Los Angeles police alleged detectives would launch a thorough study of representation death. They cautioned, notwithstanding, that they did clump believe President was picture vict
Michael Jackson is best known for his music, but he possibly touched just as many people through his love and compassion for those less fortunate. Here are just some of the things he did which never really made the headlines
January, Michael Jackson donated a number of books, including ‘Peter Pan’ to the Chicago Public Librarys Young Adult Section and promoted reading through a library program called ‘Boogie to the Book Beat’.
July, A benefit concert at the Omni Auditorium in Atlanta, Georgia, raised $, for the ‘Atlanta Childrens Foundation’ in response to a series of kidnappings and murders that had been plaguing the children of Atlanta for months.
January 10, During the filming of a Pepsi commercial, Michael suffered severe burns to his scalp when the pyrotechnics went awry. As a result of the on-set accident, he was admitted to the Brotman Medical Center in Culver City, California. Despite palm-sized second and third-degree burns to the back of his head, Michael visited several other burn patients and later donated a hyperbaric chamber (used to treat burn victims) to the hospital, in addition to making a substantial donation towards preparing and equipping the Michael Jackson Burn Center.
April 9, David Smithee, a year-old cystic fibrosis sufferer,