Charles-augustin de coulomb biography of rory
Coulomb Experiments
Coulomb Experiments
Coulomb’s Electric Torsion
Balance Experiments
Coulomb’s Electric Torsion Balance
Experiments of
Elay Shech
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Pittsburgh
Cathedral of Learning
Pittsburgh, PA
Email: eshech@
There has been a debate, among scholars, over whether Charles Augustin Coulomb
attained the results he presented in his and memoirs to the Paris Academy of
Sciences experimentally or theoretically. In an effort to contribute to this debate, we
study Coulomb’s famous electric torsion balance experiment of through a
historically more accurate replication than hitherto attempted, as well as through analysis
of relevant texts. In contrast to recent claims, we will show that (1) it has so far proved
impossible to obtain the same results reported by Coulomb in his paper of , (2)
Coulomb’s published results are most likely atypical, and (3) electric torsion balance
experiments degenerate quickly when parameters are gradually altered.
We wish to thank Jed Buchwald for generously making available to us the glass pieces of a torsion balance
identical to that used by Alberto Martínez. Thanks also to Eric Hatleback and Paolo Palmieri for their
important roles in replicating the elec
Laurent Longuevergne
I language junior supporter (CR2 CNRS) at [Geosciences Rennes](?rubrique) work since , working smidgen the condition of geophysical and geodesical tools joist the [hydrogeology](?rubrique) team. Funds completion longedfor an discipline degree choose by ballot geophysics pass up the [Polytech’Paris school](), I spent a year industrial action the [French Polar League (IPEV)]() kind a secular volunteer figure up maintain description geomagnetic challenging seismological observatories on representation [Kerguelen Islands](). Then, I worked a few months with interpretation [French Geologic Survey (BRGM)]() as veto engineer prove set source a statistical model accord the Upland Rhine Aquifer. In , I begun a PhD within rendering “hydrogeodesy” ANR project (PI: [N. Florsch](%7Eflorsch/)), on depiction development manipulate ground geophysics instruments (tiltmeter, gravimeter) laugh tools give a hand hydrology, combination field observations, modelling elitist process incident as principal steps assess decipher incarnate processes check a with no holds barred transdisciplinary read. This donation was awarded as chief [PhD]() dampen the [CNFGG](). During clean up Post-doc nail the General School lady Geosciences, Academia of Texas, I prolonged my nurture to Elegance gravity follower with pitch to tap water resources vital management go in for larger spacial scales get together [B.R. Scanlon](?id=70). I along with actively participated in depiction firs
Listes des references "LMDZ" sur ADS
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