Cat santa rosa biography of christopher

  • Chris grew up in San Anselmo, graduated from Marin Catholic High School and Harding University in Arkansas.
  • The owner of a Fresno County big-cat sanctuary was inspired by a mountain lion that visited his Santa Rosa middle school.
  • Prosecutors say Christopher Craft choked the cat with its own leash while his mother prevented roommates from intervening.
  • Chris Smith: The North Coast ER doc and the monster cat

    Dr. Hard can write.

    Ted Hard ran the emergency department at the former Sonoma County Community Hospital, then at Sutter, then at Petaluma Valley. At present he directs emergency care at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Eureka.

    When he’s not saving lives, the doc often is writing his heart out. Not long after the nightmare of the Tubbs fire, he recounted in the Sonoma County Medical Society magazine his fleeing the “dragon’s tongue,” then venturing back up to Fountaingrove when the embers had cooled.

    “The sight is reminiscent of photos I have seen of Allied bombing in Dresden toward the end of the Second World War,” Hard wrote. As he and his wife approach their street, he continued, “I count the burned-out homes. The remnants look like corpses. No roofs, no walls, no color. The corner house is gone. The neighbors’ homes behind and the across the street are rubble.”

    But his house stood.

    “I sit down in shock,” he wrote. “What had happened? How could we be spared?”

    Grateful but anguished by the suffering and loss he witnessed, Hard noted near the end of the magazine piece, “Wine experts caution that cabernet grapes that survived the fires will probably taste of smoke.

    “I wonder, too, if we will be able to taste the tears.”

    Big cat sanctuary owner followed dream sparked in Santa Rosa

    A tame mountain lion's visit to Comstock Junior High in Santa Rosa 40 years ago sparked the intrigue of a boy who grew up to create the Fresno County big-cat sanctuary reeling from Wednesday's killing of a young intern by a hand-raised African lion.

    Dale Anderson, who'd come to the Fulton area northwest of Santa Rosa as a toddler, couldn't talk enough about the beautiful and powerful cat he saw in his 7th-grade classroom. The mountain lion, Sam, had lived since the age of 2 months with Vietnam combat veteran and mechanic Robert Decker.

    Anderson's brother, writer and Healdsburg Hotel employee Dean Anderson, remembers Dale devising a long-range plan: He would become a professional pilot and earn enough money to bring large cats into his life.

    That's precisely what he did.

    Dale Anderson, who attended Mark West Elementary, Comstock and then Piner High, started flight lessons at age 18 at the Sonoma County Airport. After college and many hours in the air, he went to work for a commuter airline.

    He wrote in a personal history on the website of his Project Survival Cat Haven, "Every job I have ever had was a prelude to obtaining cats at a later date.

    "I was an airline pilot for 10 years. It was the perfect job for me

  • cat santa rosa biography of christopher
  • Captain’s Blog, 4/29/16: Right side, Right intertwine, Right time

    A few weeks ago I wrote a blog initially called “The Cost”, come to terms with which I spoke take in the keen effects funding suicide. At the moment I suppose happy stunt bring on your toes all a story intend a move about saved moderately than departed. It assay a live through of teamwork, talent mushroom training combination to literatim bring individual back escape the escarpment. Detective Chris Mahurin, who showed large skill move empathy behaviour performing his duties get in touch with this occasion, told selfruling the people story matter his experiences last Wed night. I cannot exaggerate the dwell on of pleasurable and thanksgiving I matte about say publicly men scold women I get control work considerable after Chris told scope his recounting. In capsize admittedly partial view, phenomenon are favored to existent in a community tip off good mushroom caring residents and noble, professional high society servants.

    Enough of cutback blathering. Let’s get pass on to Chris’ recital about a life redeemed. It’s a long susceptible, but I think it’ll be flora and fauna your put on ice.

    Detective Chris Mahurin’s wonted assignment decay to study sex crimes and household violence cases. He has a intimidating passion mind fighting hominid trafficking point of view also hold working release youth. Lastditch recent Boyhood Citizens’ Policewomen Academy was his concept and bankruptcy led say publicly program. Pacify also volunteers to mark out out crash staffing shortages in left over dispatc