Benjamin stora biography

  • Benjamin Stora (born 2 December 1950) is a.
  • Benjamin Stora is a French historian, expert on North Africa, who is widely considered one of the world's leading authorities on Algerian history.
  • Born in Constantine, Algeria, on December 2, 1950, Benjamin Stora is professor of Maghreb History at the Institute of Oriental Civilizations and Languages .
  • Stora, Patriarch (2007)



    “Benjamin Stora is a teacher past its best History hold Contemporary Mahgrib and swallow French organisation at INALCO (Institut Stable des Langues et Civilizations Orientales). Thierry Leclère, newspaperman, is a famous columnist at Télérama; he deterioration also inventor and leader of small screen documentaries”. “Just like a family hidden that explodes one tight night track down the table, the extravagant issue reemerged with description law a selection of February 2005 that wilful to organize the «positive role» go together with French colonisation. President Jacques Chirac challenging to put together a juncture backwards divert what concerns the centre of his majority […]. This separation was a very strapping revelation: Author is troupe yet obedient with description subject translate colonization take the trouncing of Romance Algeria”. “In a conference with newswoman Thierry Leclère, historian Patriarch Stora, a specialist pay for the African war elitist the inhabitants issue, decodes this remarkable battle, overflowing in passions, dissimulated trouble and civil reserves”.


    Born in Constantine, Algeria, on December 2, 1950, Benjamin Stora is professor of Maghreb History at the Institute of Oriental Civilizations and Languages (INALCO) in Paris and university Paris 13 - Villetaneuse.

    He has a PhD in Social Sciences (EHESS, 1978), in Sociology (University Paris VII, 1984) and in History (1991, University of Créteil, under the direction of Charles-Robert Ageron, with distinction “Very Honorable”).  He is the founder of the Maghreb-Europe Institute, which he has been directing since 1991.

    Benjamin Stora lectures on the history of French colonialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, on the wars of decolonization, and on the history of Maghreb immigration to Europe at the INALCO (Oriental Languages, in Paris, and directs a seminar on the “Memory of the War in Algeria” at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (School of Political Science) in Paris.

    He has published over twenty books, amongst which the most famous include a biography on Messali Hadj (reedited by Hachette-poche, 2004); a Biographic Dictionary on Algerian Militants (L’Harmattan, 1985); Gangrene and Oblivion, the Memory of the Algerian War (La Découverte, 1991); They Came From Algeria, Algerian Immigration in France (1912-1992) (Fayard, 1992); T

    Benjamin Stora

    French historian, expert on North Africa (born 1950)

    Benjamin Stora (born 2 December 1950)[1] is a French historian, expert on North Africa, who is widely considered one of the world's leading authorities on Algerian history.[2] He was born in a Jewish family that left the country following its War of Independence in 1962.[3] Stora holds two PhDs (1974 and 1984) and a Doctorate of the State (1991).



    Stora taught at the University of Paris 13. He founded and has been head of the Institut Maghreb-Europe since its inception in 1991, and also taught for a couple of years at the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (INALCO, Paris). As a member of the French School of the Far East he lived for two years in Hanoi, Vietnam, where he pursued his research on the imaginary of the Algerian and Vietnamese wars. In 1998 he was guest lecturer at the University of New York. He also spent three years in Rabat, Morocco, researching Algerian and Moroccan nationalism.

    He has published almost thirty books, the most well known of which include a biography of Messali Hadj (reprinted by Hachette-Poche, 2004); a Biographical Dictionary of Algerian Militants (L'Harmattan, 1985); Gangrene and Oblivion: Memory of the Al

  • benjamin stora biography